Site Security

Physical security audits and protection for for energy construction projects, manufacturing and warehousing.

Enhancing Hospital Security: A Proactive Approach in Times of Crisis

The recent escalation in security threats, including mass shootings at healthcare facilities, has highlighted the urgent need for enhanced hospital security measures. Hospitals, operating around the clock and accessible to the public, face unique challenges in safeguarding patients, staff, and visitors. This situation calls for a specialized, proactive approach to hospital security. Tailoring Security Solutions […]

Enhancing Hospital Security: A Proactive Approach in Times of Crisis Read More »

Warehouse Risk Prevention: Key Strategies for Improving Security and Safety

In any industry, risk prevention and security should always be a top priority. This is especially true in warehouses, where valuable assets, equipment, and products are stored. With the ever-increasing threat of theft, vandalism, and accidents, it is essential for warehouse managers to implement best practices to ensure the safety and security of their facilities.

Warehouse Risk Prevention: Key Strategies for Improving Security and Safety Read More »

AI and Physical Site Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we approach security measures in recent years. With the help of AI-powered technology, physical site security can be improved to a great extent. AI-based systems provide an additional layer of protection, which is essential in today’s unpredictable world. From identifying potential threats to detecting suspicious activities, AI-powered physical

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Proposed ‘Armed Security Protection Act’ would mandate security guards in Chicago municipalities with populations over 2 million

The Armed Security Protection Act is a proposed state mandate being considered in Illinois, which would apply to municipalities of more than 2 million, essentially limiting its effect to Chicago only. If passed, the bill (HB1231) would require banks, pawn shops, grocery stores, and gas stations in municipalities with a population over 2 million to

Proposed ‘Armed Security Protection Act’ would mandate security guards in Chicago municipalities with populations over 2 million Read More »

Retail Security 101: A Beginner’s Guide

Providing physical security for your retail store is essential to protecting your business and its assets. Physical security refers to the measures put in place to prevent unauthorized access, theft, and damage to your property. It is an important aspect of overall security and should be a top priority for any retail business. One of

Retail Security 101: A Beginner’s Guide Read More »

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen Shot Summit

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Earthshots Initiative aims to accelerate breakthroughs of more abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions within the decade. Achieving the Energy Earthshots will help America tackle the toughest remaining barriers to addressing the climate crisis, and more quickly reach the Biden–Harris Administration’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen Shot Summit Read More »

Capital Building Austin Texas Government Building Blue Skies

The ongoing push for legalized marijuana and the security implications for your current cannabis business

For states that have already legalized the distribution of medical marijuana, each state has its own guidelines regarding who has access to the cannabis product, and each has clear standards for maintaining records that document the process and control throughout the chain of distribution. Those states and others are now actively pursuing the legalization of

The ongoing push for legalized marijuana and the security implications for your current cannabis business Read More »

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